Repost: I posted this over 7 years ago. I checked the links and they are all still good. It is still one of my favorites posts.
My journey through Montessori began a few years ago. I visited a Montessori school with a friend of mine. I was fascinated by the equipment and the ideas behind Montessori. I had taught full time, but had never learned of Marie Montessori or her methods.
Montessori fits so well into homeschooling. Whether you set up an area of your home with Montessori activities, include your children in chores, have them cook with you, or use the 3 card system of learning your kids will benefit. Children become competent independent people when participating in Montessori. It is worth looking into. Below are some of my favorite Montessori resources and hopefully they are a place to start.
My father found the book Teaching Montessori in the Home the Preschool Years at a used book sale. I kept it on my shelf for many years before reading it and realizing what a gem it was. The author talks about how you can use Montessori principles with your children at home. A great book to start with.
My Montessori Journey is a fabulous blog. She lists all of her activities she has in her classroom for the week on her blog. Many times I will use her activities with my kids. She gives you downloads and many fabulous pictures. She has stopped blogging, but all the information is still there.
Montessori for Everyone is another great site/blog. Their company makes downloadable materials to use in your homeschool. Many are for sale, and their are always lots of freebies. This a family run business and they are incredibly attentive to their customers. I have the Elementary CD. I have really enjoyed it, and we use it in our homeschool.
Allison's Montessori is a supplier of Montessori supplies. It is fun to look around and get ideas. Montessori Services has a home and school side to their business. I love their catalog!! I would highly recommend getting it to look through for ideas. I began to realize that having my children help me in the kitchen, and teaching them chores was all part of Montessori. I realized I had underestimated their abilities and not realized the great potential they had. Montessori changed my view. I would encourage you to read about it just to be informed. My grandmother use to talk about the importance of being informed on topics.
Hopefully this will get you started. My next post will show our Montessori area and some of our activities.
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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Repost: Curricullum: Math
I have written extensively about the math curriculum(s) that I use. I will link those to this post so they are all in one place. If you click on the name of the math program it will take you to the post I have written about that program.
I use ADD (Arithmetic Developed Daily) to start off math with each child. It reviews all math skills throughout the year and has daily word problem practice.
I love my son taking AOPS (The Art Of Problem Solving.) He continues to enjoy these classes.
My daughter continues to use Teaching Textbooks and really enjoys this program. She is not a "mathy" person and this works well for her.
This year I have added Singapore Math to the mix. I really, really like this program. They have pre-tests to determine the level you should start with. I highly recommend taking the pre-tests so you will have a successful experience with your child.
My child who is on the Autism Spectrum uses Math U See. He really likes it and works with a tutor on this program. It is not my favorite, but it is a good fit for him.
Have a good week,
Thursday, April 05, 2018
Phonics Museum App by Veritas Press

I tried the Veritas Press App Phonics Museum with my kindergarten son. We have used the app along with the Memoria Press Kindergarten program. For us it has been a great fit. My son has learned to read and I feel like he has had more practice learning to read then he would have had with just our kindergarten program. I could not provide all the support he needed and the app helped me do that.
The app is only available for use with an iPad or iPhone. You can find out more about it here. I bought the one year subscription for $98.99. It is $9.99 for one month or $98.99 for twelve months. I have not seen anything else out there that is a systematic phonics program in an app format (but please let me know if you have).
I feel like this would be good for busy moms who want their students to be able to practice phonics on their own, whose students may need extra practice, and for anyone who uses the Veritas Phonics Museum Program and wants to use the app with it.
I have written customer support before and they have always been very helpful. If you read through the app reviews you will see that the longer you use the app the more data it uses. We have had to uninstall and reinstall the app several times. I am hoping that is something that will will be fixed in the future, but I feel like it was still worth it for our family to use the app. To me the good outweighs that issue. Our son would not have learned to read as well without it. I am hoping this might a helpful option for someone else as well.
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