Monday, April 02, 2012

Math Programs I have Loved. . . . ADD Math

Another resource I enjoy using is ADD Math.  (Arithmetic Developed Daily. )  It is a program that you complete about three times per week.  It starts in grade 1 and continues through grade 5.  The idea is to review all math skills during the year.  Each day you complete a few math problems, an oral problem, and a word problem. One day you will do problems with  money, another day measurement, and maybe another day probability.   You review all math strands throughout the year in a more consistent way.    It helps our kids to retain their math skills, and become better problem solvers.

ADD math teaches a specific method for solving  word problems.  For each problem you write out the information, second you decide which operation to use, third you write a math sentence with a box in place of the answer, and lastly you write the answer.  It is a nice way to systematically teach children how to solve word problems. You also are introducing the concept of solving for an unknown.

GROW publications also has daily reinforcers for science, social studies,writing and reading.  I find ADD math a great way to supplement my math program.

1 comment:

  1. Christopher has done very well using this daily program. I think you were wise in choosing this, Becky.
