Friday, February 19, 2016

Repost: Hands On Spelling Strategies

This was posted in 2013.  I was working with one of my kids this week on spelling, and it was a good reminder for me.  Enjoy your weekend. ~ Becky

Sometimes it helps kids if they can use some hands-on strategies to learn their spelling words.  There is something powerful about moving your hands, engaging your brain, and visually taking in a word.  Here are a couple of ideas I have had good luck with. 

Magnetic letters. They just work well.  You can have your kids spell the words on the refrigerator, a cookie sheet, or some other type of metal board.  

Stamping the words with alphabet stamps also works well.  I think it is powerful to see the word, find the letter stamp, stamp it, and then have to put the stamp back in the correct place.  
If you have Montessori letters they are a good resource.

Another fun way to learn is to use American Sign Language to spell out your spelling words.
Some other ways:
writing them in shaving cream,
writing them in sand, or 
writing them 5 times each on paper. 

Happy spelling!

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