The above is a picture of the white binder that has changed my life. Okay, perhaps I exaggerate, but I love this binder. Even my teens agree this is a good thing. We call it the notebook of honesty. I will tell you more.
Last year, I felt like I never had a good grasp on what my high school students had accomplished or where they were. I would ask, they would tell me, the phone would ring, something happened to another child, they were vague. . . you get the picture.
This year I got "The Notebook." It may look like an ordinary white binder, but it is much, much, more. "The Notebook" contains tabs of subjects.
In each subject is a copy of the table of contents or syllabuses for each of their subjects. I also keep grades there. I had my son make the special sheet below for their Notgrass history program.
My notebook stays on the counter. I ask each day: What did you do? What you do have left? Can I please see that? My students say they like it, because they know I will ask and they like checking it off. I realize this is very very basic, but it has worked for us. I think you could do this on your phone or digitally, but I like paper and my pink highlighter. Having it in the middle of my counter reminds me to check. I consider it a success. The question: will it work after Christmas?