Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Old-Fashioned On Purpose by Jill Winger

Today is National Retro Day! It seems like a great day to share about Old-Fashioned on Purpose by Jill Winger

Do you can, garden, make bread, or try to cultivate a simpler life?  We have been trying to cultivate simpler for many years. We have earth boxes, raised beds, grow herbs, tomatoes and peppers. We try to cook with whole ingredients, but, it is hard to keep motivated.

I was thrilled to be able to read Old-Fashioned on Purpose: A Homesteading Manifesto by Jill Winger.  This book has been updated and just came out in paperback!

I feel like I am always seeking simpler. Reading Old-Fashioned on Purpose by Jill Winger is a good way to get there. I enjoyed reading the author's journey and how she outlines step by step how to change your life. She has recipes, advise on how to escape excess, and a list of important skills to build in your life. Old Fashioned on Purpose is an interesting, a wonderful resource, and is filled with wisdom. I highly recommend Old Fashioned on Purpose. by Jill Winger 

This would be wonderful to use for a Home Economics Course.  

I was given a complimentary copy and not required to write a positive review.

Blurb: As our society races toward progress, we’ve left something important behind. We are more connected than ever before, yet we’re still feeling unfulfilled. In Old-Fashioned on Purpose, Winger shows how simplifying our lives and adopting retro skills such as gardening and handiwork can be the key to creating the happy and healthy life we’re yearning for. Inside these pages, readers will learn:
How to find joy in the kitchen (even if you hate to cook)
Proven strategies for growing your own groceries
The surprising stress-relievers that can be found in your backyard
How to craft a more grounded routine and save money in the process.
You don’t have to live on a farm to cultivate a simpler life. This inspiring and practical book offers a powerful new sense of purpose, with plenty of tomatoes, chickens, and bread making along the way.

Here is a link to Jill's website. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Critical Reader Books to Prepare for the SAT by Erica L. Meltzer

 I was so excited to learn about Erica L. Meltzer’s The Critical Reader books for SAT preparation. I was able to review The Complete Guide to SAT Reading,  by Erica Lynn Meltzer;    The Ultimate Guide to SAT® Grammar, Sixth Edition by Erica L. Meltzer; and Reading & Writing Test Book: Digital SAT by Erica L. Meltzer. These are fantastic books to help you in preparation for the SAT. 

Overall, the format of the books is what makes them amazing in my opinion. They do an excellent job in their explanation of the subject matter, test question examples, and explain the rationale behind the correct answer. These books include the information you need and there is no extra fluff that takes time away from studying for the test. If you are taking the SAT, these books are great resources as a set and standalone!   

The Complete Guide to SAT Reading, Fifth Edition gives you an overview of the test, how to use vocabulary in context, understand pronouns in passages, helps you understand what reading skills you need to be successful on the SAT, helpful charts, example questions, and explanations of why an answer is correct.  I found the book easy to understand and appreciated the many tips on how to approach a question. I highly recommend!

The Ultimate Guide to SAT® Grammar, Sixth Edition shares how to use the book, a valuable Cheat Sheet that reviews grammar, explanation of punctuation and grammar concepts, test questions, and explanations for why it is the correct answer.  I believe the easy-to-read format and clear explanations make it a wonderful review of grammar rules and how to use punctuation.  Students will walk away with a good foundation of grammar and punctuation and be prepared to take the SAT.  You could honestly use this as a grammar review in a home education English class.  I highly recommend. 

Reading & Writing Test Book: Digital SAT has three full length timed tests included in the book.  The questions are randomized similar to the digital version of the SAT.  The book also includes the answers with detailed explanations.  Being able to take practice tests is key to doing well on the SAT, and this book provides that for students.

Another Opinion:  My son who attended MIT was very impressed with The Critical Reader test preparation books and how they are laid out.  He told me he felt they allow students to prepare before the SAT with questions that are similar to the ones on the test.  The explanations help you to complete your learning of the type of questions on the SAT ahead of time so you can excel on the SAT.  I believe The Critical Reader books will help you to be well prepared for test day.   

I highly recommend The Ultimate Guide to SAT® Grammar, Sixth Edition by Erica L. Meltzer; The CompleteGuide to SAT Reading, Fifth Edition by Erica Lynn Meltzer; and Reading & Writing Test Book: Digital SAT by Erica L. Meltzer.  The books will help you prepare for the SAT in a thoughtful and systematic way. They are a good investment in your student’s future.

I was given complimentary copies and not required to write a positive review. 

Erica has a question of the day on her blog to help you with the SAT.  

A native of Brookline, Massachusetts, Erica Meltzer graduated from Brookline High School and earned her B.A., magna cum laude, from Wellesley College.

Before becoming involved in test prep, she worked in the Department of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University and in the Department of Philosophy at Columbia University, where she helped coordinate graduate admissions. From 2006 until 2015, she tutored privately in Manhattan as well as online, helping students around the world achieve their SAT/ACT goals and gain admission to a number of top colleges, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, and Duke.

With around a quarter of a million copies sold, her SAT and ACT Reading and Writing guides consistently rank at the top of their respective categories on Amazon, outperforming comparable guides produced by Kaplan, Princeton Review, and Barron’s. She has been featured in Teen Vogue, The College Solution, and CBS Moneywatch, and her books are currently used by students and tutors worldwide.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

How You Got Your Name by Trey Kennedy

How You Got Your Name by Trey Kennedy and illustrated by Jesus Lopez is a delightfully humorous book on how a little boy received his name.  The story journeys through the process that his parents underwent on what to name him.  It is very funny and kids will laugh out loud at the antics.  The colorful illustrations add to the humor and enhance the words. 

For me the story is so sweet as we love to tell our kids how they were named.  There is something powerful in the process of  sharing with our children how we named them.  I think it demonstrates our love for our children.  How You Got Your Name by Trey Kennedy illustrated by Jesus Lopez can be used a jumping off place to tell the story of how a child was named. The humor and laughs make it the perfect story that I highly recommend! 

I was given a copy and not required to write a positive review. 

Trey Kennedy is an entertainer, comedian, and social media content creator known for his unique ability to find humor in the everyday aspects of life. In addition to his digital success, Trey has taken his talents to the stage to perform multiple nationwide comedy tours, selling out venues across the country and beyond. When he’s not traveling or making his “little skits” (as his mom likes to call them), he’s enjoying time with his wife, Katie, and son, Thomas.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fly City Bookshelf Review PLUS Discount Code

The highlight of my entire month has been receiving this beautiful rotating bookshelf from Fly City Mall #gifted I am thrilled how it fits in the corner by my fireplace, and I love how many books that it holds! I have the 5 tier version, but there is also a 3 tier and 4 tier version. The shelf also comes in black.   

Fly City has generously given me a discount code for my readers.  Use the code becky10 for 10% off your purchase.  Or use this link  to automatically get 10% off.  

Happy book arranging!  Let me know if you have any questions or if you buy one. 

#flycitymall #flycitybookshelf

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Tale of Two Transcripts by Becky Boerner, homeschool consultant.

 A Tale of Two Transcripts

I have a story to tell of a tale of two transcripts.  One family completed a transcript that included the names of their student’s course work and no explanation about the  course itself  that the student took in high school.  Their student did very well on the ACT and submitted his scores, transcript, essays, and application to a local university.  That student was accepted and given a small amount of aid. They felt like they probably should have received more. Why didn't they? 

Student number two also applied to the same local university.  This student had a transcript with course names, but also included course descriptions in their transcript.  The student scored several points lower on the ACT than the first student,  but still did well. Student number two received a higher scholarship than student number one, and was also was given more money later in the year to entice them to attend the university.  Why did this happen? 

Well, I am guessing it was due to  course descriptions.  But, what is so special about course descriptions? 

The reality is no two courses are created equal.  For instance, we know that Geometry looks different at a public suburban school versus an inner city public school versus a private school versus an exclusive private school.  It is the same course, but students will have a very different experience depending on what type of school they attend.  Each of these schools will have course descriptions on their web sites, or the admission officers at most colleges know of the rigor of that course from that high school's  reputation or state ranking.

As homeschoolers, no one really knows what is happening in your Geometry course.  There are all types of homeschoolers, and there is no standard to apply to your student’s coursework.  Course descriptions are an incredible opportunity for your homeschooled student to shine and share what they learned.  Course descriptions allow you to share with a college what your student has accomplished and how that learning took place. 

Well, student number one did complete course descriptions when he reapplied the next year.  He was admitted to the college of his dreams and is very happy.  Student number two choose a different college and she received many outside scholarships from organizations who appreciated seeing the course descriptions. They thanked her for the details of her coursework that helped them when making their decisions on scholarships.  So, they both did get a happily ever after.  

If you would like some help planning curriculum, completing a transcript, and/or working on course descriptions please contact me or click here to make an appointment.  I would love for your student to have a happily ever after and work with your family! 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Service Credit or Portfolio Giveaway! Ends January 21 So Enter today!

 Contest runs through Tuesday January 21 at 11:59.  Please enter!  

I  am giving away TWO  (valued at $45.00 each) service credits. They can be redeemed towards consulting or a portfolio review.You may redeem your prize anytime between now and July 1, 2025. The prize is non-transferable.  

Use the Gleam entry form below to enter.  The contest ends January 21nd at 11:59pm 

Please know I verify all winning entries. If you need help, email me:  

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Please know that I verify the winning entry. If you need help with a step please email me. 

Service Credit Giveaway