Thursday, May 23, 2024

Should I Bother with an Assessment? by Becky Boerner


1.  Will you continue to provide homeschool portfolio reviews for families. 

  YES, I will!  

I am now open to completing portfolio review/assessments  for any family in any state.

2.  Do you think I still need to complete an assessment? 

Yes! I believe it would be beneficial for your  to complete some type of assessment that demonstrates your student has made progress.  As good home educators of our students we need to keep  records and show progress.  

3. Is it really necessary?  I only worried about my district in the past.  

YES! I am seeing the new law as a transfer of responsibility.  Your district kept your homeschool records in the past. They could confidently share that a family was pursuing home education from a notification of intent and that a student made progress from an assessment.  I believe the responsibility is NOW on home school parents to keep records of their students that demonstrate they made progress. 

Child Protective Services(CPS) contacts me about a family several times every year.  (I never speak to them without permission from the family) They ask me if a family has shared work with me and made progress. I have always sent CPS back to the family's school district, because the school district held the student's records. CPS would  then check in with the district. 

As a family you will be responsible to demonstrate that you are home educating and your student is making progress.   I believe now it is  even more important to keep good records and demonstrate your student has made progress.  Please understand this is my opinion.  

I realize there is a low chance that CPS or someone will contact you.  But, I believe as good home educators of our students we want to have record keeping  that demonstrate our students' educational progress. We all care about our students and want the best for them.  

4.  Are you going to continue with assessments for your students?  

 YES!  I believe in good record keeping, and want to demonstrate my students made progress.  (I also have talked to CPS one too many times) 

5.  When and how often should I complete an assessment?

I would complete one yearly.  The advantage in 2024 and beyond is that there is no particular time of year for a deadline.  I will be working year round and now have more of a limited schedule in the summer.  You are able to complete something mid year, at the end of summer, or in the fall.  You control the schedule now!  Do what works best for your family.  

6.  What should I do with my portfolio assessment paperwork after your review?

If you keep physical paperwork, I would keep the assessment with the work samples in a file folder preferably in a fire proof box.  If you are a digital person  I would use Google Drive or OneNote to store the paperwork.  

From a family. . .

What a remarkable year we’ve had. And I never fully believe it until I do this assessment. Thank you for your heart and your fluid, encouraging assessment process, Becky!

If you have any questions please feel free to write me.  please feel free to write me.